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Ecommerce SEO: A Simple Guide for Online Store Owners

In the modern world, search engine marketing is an important channel to consider no matter what your business is. And when you have an e-commerce store, you just cannot ignore it!
Ecommerce SEO services: A Complete guide to plan SEO strategy

You hear this so many times. E-commerce search engine optimization is so important and is something that you absolutely need to look into when you have an e-commerce store. 

But, what is search engine optimization, (also known as SEO), and how do you do this correctly? With this guide, you will learn everything there is to know about E-commerce SEO.

What is e-commerce SEO

The first question is what is e-commerce SEO, and who should consider it? E-commerce search engine optimization is specific for online stores that showcase a product or a list of products for users to buy (either on the website or away from the website). E-commerce SEO is pursued to ensure that these websites or their products can be found online when a person is searching for them using a search engine (like Google). 

The higher your online store ranks for a keyword, the more traffic it will bring to the store. And, this will ensure that your store will be more successful.

The importance of e-commerce SEO

It is prudent to consider e-commerce SEO if you have an online store.

As per Transaction.Agency: 43% of E-Commerce traffic comes from organic google searches. Imagine relying on Google for about half of your total customers and not doing anything about it. E-commerce SEO can ensure that even if your brand’s market recall is low, you will be found for your products & your content.

E-commerce SEO is a bit different when compared to SEO for other websites. For one, the scale of an online store with 1000s of products would be considered different than a website that offers a single service.

SEO solutions have to be built in a way that they can attend to the various pages you have without many manual changes. Moreover, the priorities of your SEO campaign can change just based on your product’s seasonal demands.

Here are a few starting steps for you to align your e-commerce SEO campaign. Keep in mind that every website is different & the short rules of SEO could change for your website.

Keyword research

The first thing that you need to do for e-commerce search engine optimization is analyzed & note the keywords that you need to use. Starting with the wrong set of keywords can do the opposite of what you have hoped for.

There are tools that you can use that will assist in choosing the keywords that fit best the products that you are selling. But, you also need to do some research and make sure that you see what keywords your competitors are using as well.

This will ensure you are looking at an exhaustive keyword basket & help you target the right keywords in fields such as:

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Page URL
  • Header Tag

Focus on homepage SEO

Something that people tend to forget is to focus on homepage SEO. There are many benefits to growing your homepage ranks. This is because the Homepage is the first webpage in your directory & helping your homepage rank will drive ‘SEO juice’ to your other pages.

On your homepage, you need to write content that will include your top-level keywords & your branding.

Hiring a professional for doing ecommerce SEO for you

Even if there is so much information and guidelines online, you need to consider outsourcing to an experienced SEO agency /freelancer if you are not confident or experienced in the field.

It is a much better option to hire a team that knows what they are doing. Agencies keep track of all the latest regulations around SEO by major search engines, and they will make sure that you are going to get the best value for your money. Something that you will not get when you are trying to do it yourself.

When it comes to e-commerce SEO, you need to know everything about it & then some more. Contact Clickerati Media for a free consultation to ensure that you don’t waste time and money on something that won’t work down the line. Especially, if you are thinking about doing it yourself, instead of hiring a professional, doing it for you.



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